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Diving down, Chihaya noted the sea was even clearer than it appeared from above. As she swam down and approached the wreck, she felt like she was flying and looking for a safe landing spot. Chihaya made the twenty-five meters to the ship with her breast strokes and entered the vessel through the usual hatch, sighting Aya’s fluttering feet right in front of her.

It turned dark. Chihaya had learned to be daunting when swimming through the passageway and keep her calm, even when she momentarily loses sense of direction. After all, she felt no pain and still had no urge to breathe. She squinted her eyes and ushered herself into the mess hall and into the aisle, wondering how far Aya would have gone ahead.

Then Chihaya heard the double doors creak behind her.


Chihaya restrained her body from continuing with its swim by applying the brakes with her arms and feet. She kept buoyant and treaded water and looked back at the source of the jarring sound. Aya, surprisingly, had a padlock in her hand and was about to secure the doors shut.


The padlock clicked shut and Aya pulled out its key, evidently pushing and concealing it between her breasts and her swimsuit. With her key secured, she pushed off the closed doors with her feet and swam towards the back with her characteristic agility. She pretended as if she did not even see Chihaya.

(What are you…doing?)

The entrance hatch was on the ceiling of the mess hall. This meant that the double doors that Aya just locked shut was only the only route out of this submerged wreck. In a sudden, mild panic, Chihaya ceased her breath-held water treading and followed Aya toward the cabin. She made a few scratches on her arms and legs in the frenzy, but knowing this was not yet the time to complain about them.



Didrik Svahn

So now are getting into the feisty part of the story


Did Aya lock the doors in the original? I remember the window opening, but I didn’t remember why the girls had to find an alternative way out. I wonder what Aya’s plan was? After all, this deep below the surface, even a full cabin of air (which they’ve been depleting for weeks) could only last Chihaya so long, likely less than a day. Unless Aya was considering drowning her cousin, I fail to see what she was trying to threaten her with. But maybe that’s the point. Aya is still young, she likely didn’t think much about her actions.

Didrik Svahn

Oh yes she did that in the original with a bolt lock. But yeah Aya is only 14 year old now I think so she probably did not think it though in the heat of the moment