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Next morning was another sunny day.

The sea was calm and so clear that the dark outline of Yaeyama Maru’s sunken hull was visible beneath the waves. A perfect day for freediving.

Chihaya and Aya had already moored their boat to the buoy and were readying themselves for a long swim underwater.

"A great day," Chihaya said, shielding her eyes from the sunlight with her hand.

"Yeah," said Aya.

"And a day to take my diving skills to a new level," said Chihaya. Events over the phone last evening still glowed like ember inside her. “I’ll also master underwater breathing.”


Aya sounded unanimated. It wasn’t like her, as she would usually laugh away such aggressive remarks from her cousin and remind that she was a much more seasoned diver. Even her pre-dive routine, breathing in and out with her arms spread out looked a bit wearisome.

“…Anything wrong?” Chihaya inquired. "You don’t seem too well. Maybe you shouldn’t go into the water today..."

"No, I’m fine." Aya shook her head. “Let’s first head for our cabin, Chihaya.”

"Roger that," Chihaya answered, doing her hair into a ponytail with a hair tie.

Then the two girls each took a deep breath and dove into the emerald waves below with a sound splash.



Didrik Svahn

A day to take you diving skills to a new level if Chihaya only know how right she was in that remark from herself XD


It’s kind of Aya to teach her cousin the basics of freediving before she essentially tries to strand her in a place only she (and extremely determined scuba divers) could reach. I know it’s not her intention, exactly, but it’s nice to know that even these two quintessential diving partners started off with a rocky patch.