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The finale of my tour in Fukushima was a guided tour to the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant reactors 1 through 3. Being at the site felt eerie, due to its sheer size as well as its location, where its 10~20 kilometers' radius has been reduced to an essential no man's land due to the prolonged forced evacuation. But still, there was a sense of hope owing to the presence of thousands of engineers and workers at the site, attempting to undo what was done, trying to resolve a catastrophe that was never their own making. Curently, their task is to find out a way to recoup the highly radiocative debris from within the defunct reactors. They now work, day and night, to recover its first gram.  

(Photos and notes by Aster)



Didrik Svahn

Oh you mean it radioactive graphic rods? Because they are inside the reactor building. Which is very lucky because if the reactor building had exploded like in Chernobyl. Then the evacuation zone would have been much larger


Considering that there are multiple studies that shows that the most of the evacuation zone (and the lenght of restriction orders) were unnecessary, also considering that some of these zones had a lower doses of some higher background radiation locations (like Ramsaar) where people lives without problems (we have some cities in italy with a background dose higher then some still restricted zones in Fukushima, some of these city have a lower incidence of cancer then the national incidence). For example: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149197022001007


the main issue with chernobyl was that the reactor building had no containment roof, becouse the reactor was made to generate militar grade plutonium, and that required to refill the reactor more often (IIRC once a month). Autohrities tought that instead of having to remove the roof every month, it would have been faster to not having one.

Didrik Svahn

Oh yes I have even heard that the massive evacuation might even have lead to more harm then good. As yeah the radiation around Fukushima is about the world avenge