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"Hey, how far are we going?"

Chihaya asked. The rubber boat with the two girls on board has come out far offshore, and waves swaying the boat have become much larger than when they were in the cove. Isuzu Inn was now a tiny speck in the distance, and the lighthouse on the cape also grew smaller with Aya’s each row.

Chihaya was definitely wrong in thinking they would stay on the beach and have fun there. Rather, when they arrived Aya skillfully slid a rubber boat off the surf and into the water, prompting Chihaya to come aboard. It was a fairly spacious craft, able to accommodate maybe five people, and had the inn’s name painted on its hull. Aya placed Chihaya on the stern so that they saw each other face to face, grabbed the oars, and rowed out to sea.

"We’re almost there."

"Oh," Chihaya said, puzzled. Behind Aya, there was nothing but open sea in the direction that their boat was heading. Where was this secret base?

"Over there. That buoy."

Chihaya squinted. Looking closely, she could see a red and white buoy, one that a fisherman might use, popping up and down between the waves. Aya pulled the boat alongside it, and quickly moored their boat.

Why would a buoy be a secret base?

Chihaya was confused, but had an idea after giving it some more thought. But no. No way.

“Aya,” Chihaya asked cautiously. Her companion was taking off her T-shirt to reveal her body. "Is your base under the sea?"

"Yes," Aya gave a casual answer, now standing up toward the boat’s bow. "Come on, Chihaya, get ready."



Didrik Svahn

Good to see Aya taking Chihaya on their first dive together here :D


Oh Chi you poor girl, you'll soon receive the first Aya training in drowning :)