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Chihaya's parents were in divorce proceedings.

She did't know exactly why her dad and mom decided to divorce. One morning close to summer break, Chihaya woke from bed in her pajamas and saw mom with swollen red eyes and sitting with dad at the kitchen table. Dad looked disturbed, and mom looked at her daughter and said they were having a divorce.

Dad then said, this was something between mom and dad and Chihaya was by no means at fault. But as there was a now load of things to be discussed between them, they needed to make sure Chihaya was kept out of the mess and be safe. So, he continued, could I please ask you to be at Auntie Isuzu’s place while school was on break?

Auntie Isuzu was an older sister of Chihaya’s mom, and mom said they were very close together in their young age. Nevertheless, However, while mom moved to Tokyo right after high school, Auntie stayed on the Island and took over the family innkeeping business. She later married Uncle, a native fisherman. Uncle was out fishing at this time of year and is hardly at home, so it sounded like Auntie was running Isuzu Inn pretty much all by herself.

"It’s good that both you and Aya are on summer break," Auntie said, as she offered Chihaya a cup of tea in the first floor’s den. “She’s gone now. Whenever she finds time she’d go out to the beach. Boy, she’s in middle school, but still acting like a little tomboy.”

Aya was Auntie’s only daughter, and Chihaya had only met her once several years ago. Auntie had come to Tokyo for a rare visit and brought Aya, who was still in grade school. She was a beautiful child, but was already very tanned, bringing in the scent of southern isles into Tokyo’s early summer. Chihaya recalled her short brownish hair, and her blouse and navy-blue skirt Auntie had bought for the occasion didn't suit her at all. Chihaya and Aya didn't talk much then. She should have grown a lot in the year since, Chihaya thought. Hopefully Aya would welcome Chihaya’s presence and get along.

After finishing the tea and returning to her room, Chihaya sat flat on the floor of her tatami room and looked idly out the window at the sea, wondering what the coming days on the Island had in store for her.



Didrik Svahn

Once again I like the added description of the events here. As it goes a bit deeper into the family tree. And each of Chihaya’s parents reaction to the potential divorce between them

Titan1017 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 07:15:24 I was kind of hoping for new illustrations for each of the “episodes”, unless all this text was available on first page of the old site (it’s been awhile, I don’t remember). Maybe as we move into future chapters, Five Minute Summer proper, and Apnea Girl afterward?
2023-11-25 20:09:49 I was kind of hoping for new illustrations for each of the “episodes”, unless all this text was available on the first page of the old site (it’s been awhile, I don’t remember). Maybe as we move into future chapters, Five Minute Summer proper, and Apnea Girl afterward?

I was kind of hoping for new illustrations for each of the “episodes”, unless all this text was available on the first page of the old site (it’s been awhile, I don’t remember). Maybe as we move into future chapters, Five Minute Summer proper, and Apnea Girl afterward?


We will have some new pics going forward, but the main product here is the newly translated text. :-)