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A master priestess (巫女正) of her Shrine, credited with excellent performance under water…


(SAVER) It's been so long since I've done this work, so I accidentally typed the wrong tag and corrected it. :-/




Looking forward to seeing more of her adventures


Excellent performance for a full fledged Shrine Maiden and excellent performance for anyone else are two very different beasts. Based on the wording, though, I imagine she’s at least AS capable as Misao, if not more so (as crazy as that is). It would be exciting for a small series covering a very… detailed… exhibition.

Didrik Svahn

I would not be so sure to claim that just yet. As we have not seen her to any feat on her own. So if this is truly a separate universe we don’t know if a “master priestess” refer to this universe sea shrine maidens. Or if Saver use that term for all of his work combined when it comes to ranking them


Regardless of intention, I always viewed the world of “The Sea Shrine Maidens” (which I would extend to this post) to be the time where a Shrine Maiden can perform at their absolute peak. In my eyes, Misao, as good as she is (a sixteen minute minimum empty lung breathhold, likely extended to about twenty) is the ‘knockoff’, so will likely never be as good. That being said, I also see Saki as an attempt at a bridge between the worlds, so by the end of her storyline far in the future I can see her, and the Grand Priestesses, performing dives of up to half an hour. We’d be lucky to see it, too.

Didrik Svahn

Oh yes we have sea shrine maiden from various different places. Like AGVG Amamiko and now even Amakuno which is the stories that I can recall on top of my head. I have always wondered if they have some sort of connection between them especially Amamiko and AGVG. Seeing how they both put lot of focus on it. Also seeing how Misao did that empty breath hold so long. I could see her lasting at least half an hour on a full lung. But yeah I agree I would like to see Saki as a grand priestesses in Amamiko even if just as a flashback depending on when it’s taking place ^^


https://www.patreon.com/posts/4182112 https://www.patreon.com/posts/5711841 https://www.patreon.com/posts/6937277 From the known plot, in 'The Sea Shrine Maidens' series, Aoi's BH time is less than 7 minutes, Nazuna is not as good as Aoi, that far inferior to Misao, and even inferior to Saki, Aya and even Chihaya after the competition. But Yugao's abilities are unknown... https://www.patreon.com/posts/8568085 https://www.patreon.com/posts/7918883 https://www.patreon.com/posts/7918895 AGMG should have happened a year before AGVG

Didrik Svahn

It would be interesting to see Yugao’s abilities seeing how she is a true grand priestess. Which could serve as a good way to see what a grand priestess should be capable of. And what other sea shrine maiden that could compare to that like Misao for example


Sorry ,I forgot something important. As a matter of fact Saver showed us the abilities of his girls https://www.patreon.com/posts/15533979 https://www.patreon.com/posts/15923049 Chihaya BH Level 5 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/16359937 Aya BH Level 6 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/17210566 Saki BH Level 8 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/18335107 Eri BH Level 4 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/19784855 Nazuna BH Level 3 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/18930210 Aoi BH Level 6 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/20252127 Yugao(The Kuuko Trials) BH Level 11 stars https://www.patreon.com/posts/21007947 Kuuko BH Level 7 stars But all the datas of FMS girls should be from the year of the FMS story happend (one year before AGVG) https://www.deviantart.com/wave-lens/art/479526097 https://www.patreon.com/posts/32586934 So,looks one star means one minute(Rounded to the nearest whole number), that means Yugao(The Kuuko Trials) is inferior to Misao. But Yugao's abilities in The Sea Shrine Maidens are still unknown...(more than ten years have passed)

Didrik Svahn

But was not Yugao already a grand priestess in the Kukko Trials? Because that would mean that Misao would be capable enough to be a grand priestess if we are talking about the power level alone. But then again one of Yugao's ability that she have gotten seem to be to reverse her age


I'm more interested in the 'fabled War of Successions' https://www.patreon.com/posts/4767282 https://www.patreon.com/posts/4834282 https://www.patreon.com/posts/4110588

Didrik Svahn

Only you first link did mention that event. But the last one said year 2061 so maybe this is the future? In which case maybe we could see that in a flashback and a grown Saki as a cameo then ;)


That's probably not necessarily the year A.D. Maybe saver setting the Sea Shrine Maidens use a different set of years...The two stories may not in same world...the Sea Shrine Maidens world have magic and demons... And I mean by post the three links is Yugao change her body(age) in Kuuko's story, there are too many stories that saver doesn't tell us like 'the fabled War of Successions'


With regards to stars and ratings, we’ve seen with the FMS girls that those are good (right now) for double their value, at least, as all of our core girls, minus maybe Eri, have been shown on an at least ten minute mobile freedive. More specifically, I always thought the stars were a way to gauge eventual ability, but it’s entirely possible that all our heroines have picked up a star or two since they were last rated, in which case the only one approaching Yugao (still) would be Saki. Seeing how Aya is her equal right now, I’d err on the side of ratings denoting potential, not necessarily a hard or fast number.

Didrik Svahn

Yeah especially as the stars on some of those posts have been taken away. Which does question even if they are canon anymore in that case