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With many thanks to our patron Umibuta who contributed the bottom left panel :-)  





Umm, I have no idea who the girl pictured is. It 'might' be Saki, considering the USMC shirt and what 'might' be dog tags (or a necklace, or some sort of electronic device) around her neck, but if it is, why in the world is she wearing glasses? Since she can't wear glasses or contacts underwater, she would fully suffer from any vision problems underwater, which would likely have a pretty big effect on her diving. (Although that might explain the portrait mystery - she couldn't see well enough to make out the exact identity of the portrait, plus decades of underwater decay.) Hair color is right, but she always wears her hair up in pigtails, even for diving, but I guess an out of bed at midnight thing might explain that. Also, if you found the 'Miyako mermaid," that still doesn't get you any closer to figuring out who that is. (I imagine the fun if she stumbles through observatory-related tweets and finds "dead drown girl," who apparently isn't dead.) Still don't know how she could have a brother, unless she doesn't really care about him either. (Humm, stepbrother, actually, came into the family with her stepmother? That seems to make the most sense.)


WAIT A MINUTE! Umibuta screwed up the tweet in the corner! #Miyakomermaid, which all the tweets from the observatory were using, isn't there! It must have somehow got left out. (I can add it into the picture and send it back to you, would take 5 minutes in photoshop, everything else would be unchanged, if you'd like.)