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"Ugh! Ughh!"

'Hey! Let me help!'

With her refreshed lung strength, Llulu was finally able to pull herself out of the barrel. A few scratches, but feeding herself on one-third ration (recently) has worked to keep her slim. Llulu carefully drew out her catch. Very heavy and, if the heads were in a good shape, she knew the traders would exchange for water and staples that would keep the village alive for another week.   






Didrik Svahn

Llulu finally did get out of the barrel. Hopefully she can get to the surface in time


that looks heavy :3

Didrik Svahn

Well yeah I know that the distance to the surface is about 65 meters


Saver modified the depths to -165m, But I think in that water preesure the air sharing kiss is impossible no matter how strong of their lungs. ( Actually I think even they at -65m it's also impossible) Let alone the illumination and the temperature in that depths.

Didrik Svahn

Ok because from the first picture it said 65 meters. I also saw Saver talking about making it at 300 meters. Until she changed it to 165 meters now


Sorry updated to 165…as 65m is pretty shallow for a battleship ruin. USS Arizona is at 12m depth and her deck is at surface level.

Didrik Svahn

Well I might be relative shallow for a battle ship. But you also need to search though it. So I’m unsure how long all of that would take?


My digression In history, only three classes of battleship used the all 14-inch Triple turrets: Pennsylvania class, New Mexico class and Tennessee class. But all of New Mexico class and Tennessee class ships are survived in WWII and dismantled after war. Only two Pennsylvania class battleships were sunk: BB-39 Arizona was sunk in Pearl Harbor and become memorial, all turrets were removed. BB-38 Pennsylvania was designated to be expended as a traget ship for nuclear tests and been contaminated with radiation in those tests. The ship was scuttled on 10 February 1948 in Kwajalein. If the ship is BB-38 Pennsylvania, the artifacts on the ship might be with radioactive contamination.

Didrik Svahn

Well isn’t the story suppose to take place in Japan? Because Kwajalein is 4,266 km south east of the coast of Japan.






Saver was never said the story happen in Japan, though he use Japanese for narrative. And the characters' names are also not look like the type of Japanese name.

Didrik Svahn

Well didn’t Saver also mention that Japanese in this setting is a imitation of Ken-san’s literature?


Please tell, what's in the bag?!