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Aya stands beside a Miyako Mamoru-kun, "Miyako Guardian," that stands watch in front of the Tourist Center, downtown Hirara (if you want to call it a downtown). Mamoru-kun is one of twenty or so police officer dummies that are placed throughout the Island to promote road safety. To the amusement (and sometimes bewilderment) of the native Islanders, Mamoru-kun has attracted the interest of visitors and tourists and has become Miyako's public icon - with more than a few websites dedicated to him.

Aya was on her way home from the fisheries at Port Hirara, running errands for her fisherman dad. It was still midday, and she decided to take a brief break from the sun and the heat (yes it is December - but people here are walking around with parasols!). She remembered the first time she took Chihaya here, and how Chihaya was taking pictures with her tiny digital camera, and that she was much puzzled by the letters on this red banner ("N'mya-chi," it says, which is "Welcome" in Miyako local tongue but a world away from the very popular "Yokoso" per standard Japanese). Well, not much time to idle around here. Aya had a couple guest rooms to clean back home but, after that, she and Chihaya should be able to hit the beach before twilight comes.




She and Chihaya will be able to hit the beach before twilight <3 I can't wait hehe. Anyways, wonderful art as always ;) Love it. Keep up the good work.


Thanks...and btw the noodles bowl served on the second floor of the Center is really good. :-)


Was wondering where she disappeared to :)

Nathan Sample

Aya's looking cute as ever. Nice. :)