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Good evening. I was recently informed by a supporter that all my posts have been reprinted elsewhere.

Unfortunately it was true. It is sad.

So from now on, I will update my English articles on fantia instead of patreon, separately from my Japanese articles.

I hope Patreon is willing to deal with this problem, but so far there seems to be none....

If you are willing to use fantia, I would appreciate it if you would register.

My fantia page


As an addendum, there is basically no re-submission to Fantia of Patreon articles that have already been submitted in English.

Please look forward to new posts!

I will keep all posts here so you can look back at them when you want to.



That's sad to hear :( Hopefully the transition from Patreon to Fantia for you and the members will be smooth sailing. When do you plan to cease posting here?


Perhaps starting with the next article. Patreon is leaving the issue open so it's hard to keep posting new ones here...


Sad to hear, I will see you over at fantia