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These days, although we want to focus on work as much as possible, we tend to spend our time on other things. How is everyone doing? I was in the mood for a break and was painting a garage kit of bovine ears.

Banya's example has a fresh atmosphere with pastel colors, so I tried to paint it in my own way.

I tried painting the eyes many times, but in the end, I felt more comfortable painting the eyes as shown in the example, so the coloring process is very deep. Well, it was just my fault for not taking the time to think it through...

I think the modeling itself is very good, with a cute atmosphere and modeled like a café waitress. The parts and the painting itself are not too difficult, so it was easy to work on.

It is currently available in data format, so if you have a 3D printer, please check it out.

Usami Shoko Figure Cafe Clerk Style Costume Ver [Data Version].


This time, both the video and the article are a bit more casual. If you have any requests for more details, please feel free to comment!

┃Areas requiring surface preparation

Since this Shoko's kit is printed by a 3D printer, it is necessary to first remove layer marks and support marks.

Personally, I feel that support marks are more troublesome than layer, so it is important to file them carefully. layers are the ones that look like annual rings on a tree.

Can you see the annual ring-like ring in the bubble-like area on the right? These are layer marks.

Examples of support marks. These areas need to be smoothed out.

However, it is necessary to fill in the layer marks that are dug into the part, such as large scratches.

Both 3D printed kit and general cast kits require a lot of surface treatment. If you want to do it carefully, the printed kit may be more difficult.

In some places, there may be large layer marks like this one circling the part, so these should all be filled in.

Other than these, the fitting needs to be adjusted.

Most of the recent rubble has square dowels, but they may be too tight or too loose, so you need to widen or narrow the holes yourself to get the right fit.

The video will help you understand these processes.

┃About painting

You can paint it in any color you like. This time, I painted the figure in black for my personal taste, instead of following the example.

I painted the head frill and heels in a single color.

┃Eye paint

Actually, the eye painting was quite tricky...

I was going ahead with this the first time, but when I applied it, it wasn't great.

It doesn't suit her...

The second time it looked like this

The face is too strong and doesn't suit me...!

So I ended up drawing the eyes as shown in the example.

Depending on the modeling and colors used, the face can be too assertive depending on how the eyes are painted, so you have to think carefully about that or you'll just waste time... it's very deep...



最近、3Dプリンターフィギュアを作ってみようと思っていました。 とても役に立ちそうですね!😃

