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The 3D edition of Captain Marin's sculpted by Takatori, which I painted, is now available.


I hope you enjoyed the making video it was released along with it.

If you haven't seen it yet, please do so! I think you will find that I have put more effort into filming and editing than ever before!


As always, I will post the making tips, photos, and non-credit review shots around the closing of TFO10.

TFO official web site

Proxy and forwarding guid (Plum workshop)

┃Equipment that was useful for shooting and editing, and personal thoughts (unrelated to production)

As for the video, after much deliberation, I ended up with a structure like that.

I said I would make it 10 minutes, 4K, and entertaining.

Oh boy, that was a lie.

No, I'm not actually lying; it would have been mildly entertaining if I had made a 4K video in an easy-to-watch length of about 10 minutes, but I couldn't because what I made didn't allow it... There was no way I could fit that Captain Marin into 10 minutes.

The 4K footage was shot from the eye painting, and the preceding 30 minutes were shot in HD, but I was surprised to find that there was little degradation in image quality when exported in 4K.

The video is a mixture of HD and 4K material, and while the latter has more detail, it is also more difficult to handle because of the cropping and the large size of the material.

So it is a little bit difficult to use this on a regular basis.

Also, some of the material I was halfway through working on and saving was in HD, so please understand that the video will probably be a mixture of HD and 4K for a while....

┃Lighting, speed editor, slider, pan head

I think everyone was busy watching the guy who masking her hair, no one at all commented on the changes in the room, haha!



Ugh!!! too much glare...!

I added LED lights on both sides of the paint booth so it was quite glaring, but I felt that the video would be nice and bright. I used Aputure's LS 60 with a softbox set up as lighting to brighten up my hands.

I originally had it as a spotlight for photography, but I prepared a softbox to increase the opportunities to use it anyway, and it was surprisingly good when I tried using it as a video light. Softboxes for this type of lighting are usually much larger, but this one is compact, easy to handle, and quite useful as a sub-light.

I need to get a bigger one so I can work harder...!

Here is the dedicated keyboard for editing what I shot with the glare and whatnot.

I use Davinci resolve to edit my videos, but until now I have been using a keyboard + joystick to cut and edit. But I thought it would be faster with a dedicated keyboard.

So I bought this Speed Editor. It took me some time to get used to the operation, but once I learned the operation and functions, I can cut and edit at super high speed, which is very convenient.

However, since I do not shoot multicam, I wish all the Cam keys in the middle could be assigned to other necessary keys.... But that's not possible... I think that's the biggest disadvantage. I am sure it would improve work efficiency, though.

Also, this time I inserted frequent panning cuts (slow turning scenes) as "side dishes" in the video. Normally, this is not possible with a one-person shoot, but I used a slider and pan head to make it possible to automatically shoot panning while working.

It is configured with a Manfrotto video head, Zeapon Micro3 slider, and 2 pan heads.

Using my phone as a remote control, I set the direction and position of movement as point A-B and it keeps moving within that range, so I can redo it as many times as I want until I get a good shot.

The reason there are two pan heads is that I thought it would be better to be able to pan up and down. As a result, I feel that it is worth it, as it expands my range of expression.

I'm sure that these equipments will continue to be of great use to us in the future, maybe!

┃Youtuber's office contract is not beneficial to me

I recently received a DM from a firm on my Instagram asking if I would like to sign a "Youtube MCN contract".

MCN (Multi-Channel Network) means that they will help me to manage my channel and will get n% of the revenue. They will help us with goods sales and channel direction together.

I think it's OK to look at Youtube help for more details, but I personally don't think there is much benefit to the contributor in this type of contract.

I once signed up to help run a channel a few years ago when I had a different job than I have now, but they never gave me any advice....not one....hahaha!

I personally think that channel management is something you have to think about and do on your own, so you will only lose money if you try to entrust it to an outside company. Therefore, I think it is best to ignore this kind of talk. So I politely declined the contract.

I'm sure there are cases where leaving it up to the office to develop merchandise or collaborate with other contributors would work out well, but I seem to like making decisions while worrying all over myself, so I'm sure I'll continue to struggle with making videos in the future...!



This watch was the greatest. The kit is beautiful and the masking work you did is insane!

Steven Martinez

TFO is going to be this year, 2023 in September?


No, TFO 10 will be online on the 18th~19th of this month. You must buy a ticket to attend.