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I've been putting together articles for the first time in a while and dealing with the Twitter freeze for the past two weeks, so I've had to stop working on Reverse Bunny Shouko-chan, but I'm finally able to resume work on it!

This is how eyes painting is proceeding~

Once the hair is in place, see how it looks. Check eye direction and if all is well, apply skin color.

Once this is done, mask the eyes and apply skin color.

Paint the skin color without rushing so that there is no difference from the body skin color.

Eyes with masking removed. I added blush, so all that's left is the matte coat! ....Oops, I forgot to color my eyebrows haha

Masking the Pasties part of the body is somewhat difficult. It is safe to use thinly cut masking tape and liquid masking.

The next update may be the completion of the project....!




The eyes look incredible! Quick question, do you seal with top coat each layer of paint on the eyes? for example between doing the outline and the iris.


Thank you! Yeah, that is correct. topcoat between outline and iris will allow you to draw in and change the iris without erasing the outline! I do this at each step of the process.


Sukima san, how long do you wait for each top coat to dry before drawing more on top?


Yeah, that is certainly a point of concern. I would put it in the Yamazen dryer (about 40°C) for about 10-30 minutes. If I am applying a thick coat of clear, it is 30 minutes; if I am applying a thin coat, it is 10 minutes.


how long should I wait if I don't have a dryer, just room temperature about 23°C


If a thin coat is applied, you may need to watch it for about 20 minutes, and if a slightly thicker coat is applied, you may need to watch it for 40 minutes to an hour.