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beep beep boop boop
i have some plugins for you

these come without documentation, support, and so on for the time being, and are windows only. as always if you cannot get them working in your vst3 64bit daw try renaming the .vst3 file to .dll. 

basicBits is a binary wavetable synth. you can turn the bits on or off, or change how many of the bits you wish to use in the waveform. you can slew the waveform for sounds with more detail, and then introduce texture by slewing at a lower bit depth. it has a chorus, a glitch panel that can affect all sorts of stuff, lots of pitch options, and an ADSR with up to 8 bits of depth. this was inspired by the wavetable sounds of the Namco WSG, the Konami SCC, PC Engine's sound generation abilities, etc. which of course, led to:

wsg-ns is a very inexact emulation of the Namco WSG. every wave position must be plotted manually, inspired by Junko Ozawa's graph paper waveform sketches. the output is very close to the original waveforms if you reference and redraw them. this also has a chorus option as many titles utilizing WSG would double up for that "namco sound".

subBuddy is a bass synth designed exclusiviely to make subs. you can introduce three harmonics and manually adjust the phase offset, which can quickly change the overall character of the sound, and allow you to get a very loud and consistent waveform. care is taken here to make sure that the wave's bandwidth is use as efficiently as possible. it has a phase rotation setting for generating reese-style basses with minimal phase imbalance.

romchoir is a soundfont player and pretty boring, but the included soundfont is the exciting part: tons of brand new rompler-style choirs. these were created out of the voices of several friends and i by training RVC models on our voices, and then applying those voices to other choir sounds. the result is a new selection of choirs. three of them can be mixed and matched in this plugin, allowing for a fairly wide range of expression. enjoy cheesy fake choir sounds without using the same boring reified 90s crap.

enjoy, have fun, these will eventually be public with proper documentation and all that probably. a couple others will be on their way soon too, i think.


lain taylor

how did you make these? i've been wanting to try my hand at creating plugins but i don't really know where to start with it, i am jst a measly python programmer lol


i use synthedit; i'm only just now getting around to learning C, and this is (generally) a strictly node-based modular synth system.