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patrons, i will have direct links soon, but for now you can do this: authorize your patreon account here and you will get the downloads and a bandcamp code <3 https://halleylabs.itch.io/arcregn/patreon-access - you will require an itch.io account, but i recommend one anyways as there's a lot of wonderful stuff to check out on there. (this is also to prevent download key abuse; apologies for inconvenience)



Justen Corbin

I like pavilion, flaw, ink1, and eko. And levällään and "ųvpioç" are okay


Not listened to the full album yet, but theriocide scratches my brain and I love it.


I don't think this way of reporting on the music she creates is very valuable. Music like this doesn't really seem to be about how catchy/satisfying/pretty or whatever might be condensed into the linear spectrum of like to dislike. The kind of engagement the music is asking of you seems to be more akin to interesting to uninteresting. For example: t_muralis of the last album barely functions as a song if judged by typical music theory standards, but it is my most listened to track of the album despite many of the other songs being beautiful and extremely catchy. What keeps me coming back to t_muralis is the very strange mood it has that I still cannot put a finger on. The way it cheerfully and mechanically marches towards this strangely sad emotion that envelops the piece really gets me for some reason. I get the most value from her music by engaging with curiosity rather than simply looking for a good bop, because I think she makes some of the smartest art I have ever experienced.

Xyrax Alaria

I’ve always really appreciated how every track has a unique cover art - I think that detail adds a lot to the listening experience. Thanks for always putting in all that effort, Emma!

Justen Corbin

I'm not good at explaining why I like music, not good at it in the slightest. But what you just described is relatively close to how I felt when listening to More Adventures, I love that album a lot. I also really enjoyed Washed Out and "ttc2eos202304". But I haven't really felt that way about greenhouse yet, aside from a select few examples. Most of it is really confusing and hard for me to casually listen to without having to focus on it. For me it's too "IDM-ish" which I'm personally not a fan of, but I respect Emma to make whatever they desire, even if it doesn't always interest me


I got ya! Thanks for explaining yourself. More adventures does give me weird emotions as well so I think you get me. Anyway, my hunch is she would appreciate hearing how things make us feel in more than a few words when we give feedback. Cheers!


Ok I finally found the time to sit down and listen to the full album and it's all awesome! Lots of weird, creepy and also fun textures. Also, shout out to the "morning music" on track 15 it made me smile very much.


Just got around and gave this a listen and this is an amazing album! Love how all the sort of feels and vibes the tracks convey, and also the fact that each of them have its own cover art! I have a question about the title of track 15 露華. Is it intended to be in traditional Chinese or Japanese? I looked up the phrase and it comes from a classical Chinese poem, but it’s also used in Japanese with a very different pronunciation, so would like to know for sure how to read it