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hey all;

if you're a viewer of my stream you may be familiar with my layout containing an AIM "buddy list" window in the background complete with rotating advertisements.

i thought it would be fun to open up submissions from $4+ patrons. images get displayed randomly and for about 10 seconds at a time. i'll leave the images in rotation until you ask me to take them down or until uhhh idk i change stream layouts, but i would like to keep them around for some time.

i would like to establish some ground rules:

• 120x60 pixels. GIF or PNG are fine, GIF can be animated.

• i will NOT edit your graphics for you. it has to be ready to go upon my receiving it.

• no gore, nothing too suggestive.

• no rapid flashing if it's a GIF.

• probably shouldn't just be a picture of your OC. be creative. have fun.

• can NOT contain a URL. this is a security risk and i won't be checking URLs constantly to make sure things are OK.

• don't use stuff by other artists in the image. make sure you have the rights for what you're using

• an exception to some of the above rules may be granted (see: submitting actual old AIM advertisements for me to use, referencing other stuff, etc)

i reserve the right to turn down any submissions.

i've attached a screenshot of my current stream layout as well as a bunch of the ads i currently have in rotation as examples.

you can drop submissions below in the form of links (imgur, etc), you can email them to me (emma@halleylabs.com) with your patreon username included so i can cross check it, or you can send it to me via patreon message.




Woahhhhh very cool~ Welp! -cracks knuckles-. Let's do This !


Weighing the option of doing something original or submitting Furry mp3s... One hell of a choice to make.


if you can believe it the "furry mp3s" guy is still around and doin his thing so lmao probably not that


Well, time to get to work then! How comprehensible does it have to be?