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hey all! thought i'd chime in with some updates, since january is a pretty quiet month aside from some merch stuff.

this week the regular edition of Monarch of Death Rave should be up for order along with the beginning of BANDETTO vinyl preorders! MODR regular edition is $15+shipping, BANDETTO vinyl is $25+shipping.

MODR stuff will go out the week following orders, and the BANDETTO vinyl production will start 1-2 months after preorders. after that it takes about 6-8 weeks to get them made and then a couple more to deliver. so, it takes some time! but once they arrive with people, expect to see more records, probably!

aside from that: no new projects going on right now, taking a little bit of actual time off to get my feet back on the ground after a considerably emotionally intense holiday season. i have some stuff in mind and will hopefully be working on it soon!

regarding the Darius CDs (ERGOSPHERE, caractere difficile, and FRAMEDRAG), i will be placing the orders this month. soon i will also be placing the orders for the final 50 opies of THE FUCKDEST JAMS. exciting!

lots of love, and take care - i'll be around soon! my next stream is scheduled for the 22nd, and i'll be working on some new stuff then. as a way to make up for the lack of things this month, the stream will be open to all $2+ support tiers.