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available @ https://heckscaper.com/plugins/ in the sketches/scraps section towards the bottom

i needed to model some various interference for another plugin project and wound up with this very overengineered and tweakable sound generator along the way. i won't need something this detailed in said other plugin project and i felt like it would be a waste to not share this as is.

it has no midi tracking, it just makes sound all the time unless you turn down the volume knob (the right one). the knobs are all macros that control several aspects of the sound at once, minus the left, which is just the base frequency. you can double click them to restore to "default-ish" parameters.

have fun, enjoy the buzz and fuzz.


"mains" - an electrical interference plugin

available @ https://heckscaper.com/plugins/ in the sketches/scraps section towards the bottom i needed to model some various interference for another plugin project and wound up with this very overengineered and tweakable sound generator along the way. i won't need something this detailed in said other plugin project and i felt like it would be a waste to not share this as is. it has no midi tracking, it just makes sound all the time unless you turn down the volume knob (the right one). the knobs are all macros that control several aspects of the sound at once, minus the left, which is just the base frequency. you can double click them to restore to "default-ish" parameters. have fun, enjoy the buzz and fuzz.


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