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hey all - more adventures is just about ready! the master is done and the art and CD (and other merch) layouts are nearly complete. i can't *quite* share them yet because i'm waiting on info from the manufacturer to see if we can do a couple things i'm looking to do.

so have this instead:

ideally i'll be looking to launch this last week of july, if not first week of august. CD preorders will be open for a full week or until 500 orders - the kitcaliber CDs lasted just about the entire week when they were live, so you should have a good time frame! you'll know a few days in advance. looking at the usual $25usd+shipping, though it might be 26 or 27 depending on how much i get hit for in terms of duty/taxes on import, since i have these made overseas.

there will be SHIRTS! all-over print shirts! again, not quite able to show the designs yet, but expect lots of colors. all of the earnings for these will go directly to the artist and they'll even be sold directly from a shop managed by the artist.

don't expect too much in terms of video content on launch, this has taken so long and so much energy that i'm not really feeling keen on putting together anything extravagant. we'll have a listening stream, though, and i'll be sure to get all of you here an unsplit FLAC file ahead of time so you can listen along to the stream in full quality! i wouldn't want your first impressions to be terrible stream audio.

thank you so much for your patience on this project. i'm glad people seem to still be looking forward to it. i know this is a pretty normal album cycle for most musicians, but it's a terribly long one for me, and despite the long days of daily work along the way, especially the plugin stuff, i can't help but feel like i haven't done enough to warrant the support. i hope that moving forward i can do more faster. i just have to figure out how to execute faster on the knowledge i have now.

none of this would be possible without the ongoing support. i'm extremely lucky to be able to do this full time - way more than full time! being able to put in the hours i do is genuinely one of the things that makes me happiest. i love working. when i worked full time electronics retail i'd put in another 40 hours of creative work at home because it's what made me happy. to be able to continue to put all of that energy into making things continues to be the greatest thing imaginable, even with the challenges. so again, thank you.

i also realized that around now 15 years ago is when i decided to go all-in and start making this my job... here's to another 15? with your help, maybe! i have no idea what the future holds in terms of my output but i'm excited to find out.

full speed ahead???? but maybe just a short break after this album... maybe.



yo, even if the album feels like it's coming along slowly by your standards, the privilege of getting to watch you make the journey (and the plugins!) is a reward in itself. the support is warranted, i assure you.




I know for a fact that this album is going to be beautiful