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Treesee (illust. by ohmiyoni)

hey all, thought i'd drop another status update on the album.

  • tracklist finalized.
  • master is nearly complete. should need a few more days of work on and off to iron out anything that sticks out, but it's just about there. can't really do it all in one sitting as my ears have been pretty exhausted.
  • need to remaster "Adventures With Tweesee" (+bonus stuff) for the CD release, as it will contain both albums across two discs.
  • need to finish visual work and any video work if that ends up being a thing - that'll really come down to how much more time/energy i can spend on this one.

it's hard to pin down a timeframe, but i'm really hoping to get it out some time in July, likely towards the end of it. i feel like it's come together to be something pretty special and i hope you'll enjoy it.

thank you as always for the ongoing support, i wouldn't be able to put so much energy into records if it weren't for that.




I haven’t been this excited for a release in a while. Hopefully I won’t miss the physical release this time! Thank you for making bangin tunes as always, I’m especially excited to hear the final ver of groovy grove haha


I really want a physical copy of this one. I hope this musical endeavor was fun. There is so much emotion put into your tunes its like nothing else.


Vinyl record, cassette, or cd? Bc I’m trying to find some of your older physical copies, start my lil collection if you would


Twee :3