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just a quick one before bed:

wrapped work on most of the tracks today, 6 months after starting. cripes! finally!

next step is linking them together, doing any final tweaks, mastering, and getting all the art/design finished up. currently sitting at around an hour in length and 7 main tracks (+ intro and whatever interludes if any).

the idea to track ratio is extremely high - far higher than usual, i think. this time around, each track is most certainly an adventure.

overall, it fits right in the strange midpoint between "The Recovery of the Absolute Artifact" and "FRAMEDRAG". the whole process has been something of an identity crisis as to what my music is, how to categorize it, whether it's X enough to be Y alias, etc. in a sense, that's exciting, but also frustrating, since there's always going to be a certain set up / let down cycle involved in attributing aliases to things.

regardless of those feelings, i'm extremely happy with how it's grown and evolved into what it is. please look forwards to the release, and thank you for the ongoing support. i wouldn't be able to put so much time, energy, and life into projects like this without your help. 


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