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hello trees! this one's for you specifically.

since i'm planning to move away from vinyl, i'd like to start doing more frequent CD/tape prints (as ecologically soundly as possible - so using recycled cardboard digipaks, egg carton CD hubs, etc, like halcyondaze/pure staircase) and would like to know if there's something you'd be interested in seeing a new print of in these new formats. i have a couple collection ideas kicking around (such as a game soundtrack collection ie. shark attack, ddddx2, demon's nightmare, and time tripper) but want to get your input as well.

i think if i really dedicate myself to it, i can probably have a cool new print done every couple months.

ideally, i'm looking not to just reprint an album, but to do something special with that reprint, like any kind of mild remaster work it needs, new product design, bonus materials, all that stuff. there's definitely certain stuff i'll be avoiding because the world of copyright hell is increasingly bad, but i'm open to hearing most suggestions. if you see something you like in the comments, give it a like and/or reply with more ideas regarding it.

i'll be listening over the next few days!



null note head! null note head! null note head!


'hyi - i can't wait to be sad and alone on the edge of the universe' although old, still sounds amazing, would love to see it again! Oh! Those booklets included in halcyondaze were absolutely amazing, loved reading the lyrics over such beautiful art! I could only recommend more of that in the future :)


Would you ever touch something like full techno jackass again?


Pen Ward duo tape. Side A: Picture of Finn Farting (34:33) + RD Likes Girls (14:58 if you include 4 original tracks and the ~moral~ version of Slap Fight) + NOW! That's What... (4:50) will be around 54:21 total. Side B: Robot Brainstronaut (not Turbo and without bonus track) is 54:14. Nice pack of jams if you ask me


def out of the question for the most part at this point sadly - also trying not to make tapes too long any more as longer tape winds up sounding more crap


would prefer not to - that was released to raise funds for an expensive uninsured hospital visit (not even my own visit, squeedge was visiting and they had to go to urgent care) and i don't think putting it out on a cd or something would be very ethically nice


Oh wow I didn't know. Is anything in the Renard line up possible?


i can't think of anything i'd like to give special treatment - between that and me wanting to not deal with sample-related shit, it's the last possible priority.


Where does Bandetto fall? Because Bad_Command was awesome and would looks awesome in a similar idea to the D.O.S. Package (which was also AMAZING).


I whole-heartedly second this, Null-Note-Head is one of my favorite works by you and having physical media of this album would be outstanding.


if i did anything bandetto at this point it would probably be Literally Everything (or close to it) on a 2 CD set. the DOS package gimmick doesn't really suit anything bandetto and i'm also trying to avoid plastic cases


I mentioned it on Discord, but I was surprised to learn bad academia never got a physical of any kind. Not sure how you feel about that album these days, or what sort of special physical treatment you could give it... but I've always considered it the closest thing to a 2YR "sequel" and it's quite special to me. I doubt you want to revisit the material, but it'd be cool to see it "finished" for a physical since it was more or less abandoned.


Mayhem Torpedo Torpedo CD, and maybe include other Mayhem stuff like #BASEDSHARK. That would be lovely!


I would totes throw down on an RQ-laji-2 compilation, having moved away from vinyl id see how many people would be interested in Bandetto and hyi CDs for the people who missed out. Maybe do another print of AWT since More Adventures is on the pipeline. Copyright issues allowing a Rotteen CD would also hit.


i think i've done far too many copies of the best of mayhem cd for this to be particularly appealing to pursue again - between the old early 2010s presses then the 300+ throughout 2015 onwards, it's pretty low priority


I would be happy to see more RQ-laji-2, hyi, Darius, HLA, HHSU, Queenstons tapes and CDs. and yeah I'm gonna have to second Mayhem even if it's not very likely oh and a circe's bluff tape would be neat!


Rly late to the party, but B-SIDE 201X or WAYSIDE is a suggestion. Also seconding NULL NOTE HEAD and bad academia!