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hey all - been working just about every day on the maps, code, and sound/music for my previously untitled doom project - it's now called TIME TRIPPER. i'm hoping to have a playable first "episode" out in a couple weeks. i'll release the soundtrack alongside (module renders, SC-88 playback, and OPNMIDI versions included) once it's ready.

"what's the mod about?!" - i'm not sure. it seems as though the breakdown of time and space is occurring. that seems to happen every time i make an interactive thing. just one of those ideas i'm obsessed with. gzdoom has made it fun to make bizarre, broken worlds that make no logical sense. trying to avoid 3d floors and other niceties though and keep it very "doom".

currently sitting at 6 maps + secret old map and a debug/practice map, but ideally i'm hoping to add an intro map to the lineup as well since the start is a little cold. been mulling over a boss of some kind, too. i know doom bosses are usually pretty wack, but i think it would be a good chance to go all-in on new monster code.

i've done a lot to toy with the difficulty settings, and they range from pretty scenic to absurd monster replacements on an "ANOTHER" mode and an analogue to instagib that forces you to play through without taking a hit. all hitscanners have been coded out, everything is projectiles you can dodge! bright, colorful projectiles (see here).

here are sketches of the new main character, our doomguy replacement, illustrated/codesigned by ohmiyoni. we figured a feminine male would be a welcome addition to the boomer shooter world, as most characters are either tough dudes or trim dudettes. not sure how much of him will be visible ingame for the first episode test release, but what matters is he's there. the bottom right is probably the final design. all subject to change, as everything is.

here's dogball, a weapon i made in the process of learning things. yes, it's in the game. not sure how we're going to handle replacing the hand graphics or whatever, as it stands it's just a photo of me holding the damn thing but whatever. fun first, problem-solving later.

you will not need the full version of doom2 to play this, though it is recommended. it has been tested with freedom phase 2, an open source free alternative to doom. i do use some graphics from freedom for enemies and whatnot, so it might be a little visually confusing when you have two of the same enemies that do different things, but what matters is it's playable. just need the doom2/freedoom2 wad, current gzdoom, and you're off to the races.

anyways, that's all for now. i've been streaming work on it nearly daily here: https://www.twitch.tv/msx2plus

as for anything else "business"-wise: just waitin on the HALCYONDAZE CDs to arrive, i'm excited to get them! then to get them shipped out to yall, slowly but surely.

and as for life, it's all very whatever, just been keeping myself busy with this. been in and out of the doctors' a lot lately as a psoriasis flare-up has more or less taken over my life (and my eyes, holy shit and dictated when and how i can do anything. you could probably feed an entire planet of dust mites with the amount of skin i'm shedding. kinda gross, i know. life is gross. embrace it or something.

hope you're all well, love you a bunch, and thank you for letting me continue to explore and be creative. i hope that no matter what i end up doing, there will be some aspect along the way that works for you! ♥



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