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hope you're well, and if you're not, hope you're well soon ♥

things have been going decently around here. still working hard at my personal issues (as mentioned a few posts back) and trying to stay on top of things. it's certainly not easy, but i can tell it's worth it.

i've been doing a lot of stuff with tape loops and general music work away from the computer and enjoying the more hands-on and tactile approach, and i think you can expect an album of that kind of stuff pretty soon. i had mentioned on twitter that i was thinking of releasing it under Download's name, as i feel they've grown with me a lot as a character and it makes sense that they're chilling out a little bit and have reduced their edgelord tendencies, hahaha - a reply tweet inspired the idea of Download using an alias, which i really liked the idea of, and i've given them a 'real' name, so i'll probably be using that. no reveal yet, though :) i hope it'll come together to be an enjoyable listen.

the DL/eugene tapes shipped last week along with the other orders, which was a lot to take on in the midst of other issues, but rewarding. mail's slow this time of year, but keep an eye out for those.

the Rotteen vinyl *should* be available for preorder soon - i just finished the master a day ago, as there's been a lot of other stuff to take care of. busy busy busy.

the stream on friday was an absolute blast, even if it did wear me out for a few days after the fact. i'm really hoping to do one of those big streams *every month* since it's been fun to set aside a week or so to prep material and events for them and keeps me on my toes creatively in a way i enjoy. i hope you've been enjoying them too! the three main events from the last one (dj set, fangame stuff, experimental live performance) are all on my "emma essex" youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu0AIUbzxC7k8n36FSOUysA so you can enjoy 'em whenever! 

i mentioned on twitter that as much as i understand so many creators pivoting to streaming, sometimes it's a bit of a letdown because although i really enjoy many of their personalities and attitudes, the creativity is often on the backburner - my goal with these monthly streams is to make creativity the center of them, with each featuring music and something different each time, whether it be a special retrospective (having squeedge on for the negaren one was a blast), a new approach to me doing live music, or whatever other quirky thing. i hope you look forward to them! it gives me a chance to perform without doing the thing i hate about performing (travelling lol). and thankfully, after the two that have passed,, their cost should be zero or near-zero and i can dedicate more money to squaring away debts while still doing cool new stuff with you all. ♥

i think that's it for now. i'm probably forgetting something, but as is hopefully evident, i've got a decent amount on my plate right now. it feels good to be funneling so much time into my work and be enjoying it, and i hope you enjoy the results. in some sense, i feel like my overall body of creative output is finally truly maturing in a way i'm happy with.

please look forward to another big stream at the start of january - date will be announced soon!


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