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something of a breakthrough i had regarding how i create, and what i advise people do to better explore their creative selves. thought i'd share it here.




This is honestly one of the best explanations regarding creativity I've ever read. Well worded and quite relatable :3


Now this is interesting. It's almost as if the whole creative process takes on the form of a tree. The first body of work acts as the tree's trunk, and eventually other works come from that trunk as branches. I'll have to keep this in mind when I'm working on my next piece :)


I love this. It's one of those ideas that can completely change the way I think, while at the same time makes a bunch of other ideas and concepts fall into place. Such as how to keep learning new things , and how to develop an individual style.


Inception... Actually I've never thought like this... Everytime when I was creating something I wanted it to be diffrent than my other creations. I didn't want to make something... generic. But you might be right - everytime when I try something completly new - it ends up good - just good. It could be better. So it seems to be a good idea to take the most intresting ideas from "just good" creation and try to make something better. I just need to find a good balance between making something new and making something generic.