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this has more or less been my "secret sauce" since i made it, and it's not quite everything, but it's what i can share for now, and is still quite a bit for you to play with, at 1hr16m of audio. no question, this is still some of my best sound work to date, and i sincerely hope you can create some cool stuff with it.

use these sounds however you'd like, with the exception of reselling them on their own or as part of a sample pack.

PLEASE NOTE that this selection has not been heavily edited, and there are *extreme* differences in volume and frequency range between files.

the archive is split due to patreon's 200mb file limit. just download both the ZIP and Z01 to the same folder and extract the ZIP file.  




i didn't think something like this was possible. I thought it was just one continuous recording. But this is awesome


the sounds do have to come from somewhere first - which is why the majority aren't included, and why many of these aren't in their final state, either :)


For some reason i get an Error trying to extract these. "not able to unpack in the same volume or directory" Which i do not know what that means lmao, Maybe you could offer some help?