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for that album / EP / whatever thing i'm working on. there'll probably be a touch of work done to this once it's actually worked into the final album master.




holy shit


the 4:50 part is insaaaanneeee


the ending gave me phwoa flashbacks!!


Okay. Not going to front here: you made a "jesus christ" fantastic trance track, which really struck the trance loving kid in me something fierce and kickstarted the wheels in my head, then merged it with a mediocre speedcore drumline that was much more at odds with the trance than harmonious with it to me, sounding almost Liefeldian in its "oops, had a bit more page underneath, there! /scribble" execution of seeming to forget that it needed to be hard, since this isn't HLA, then quickly putting the hardest rhythmic sounds in at the last moment. The track ends on what amounts to, indeed, the best parts of phwoa, which works very nicely to wind down the track from its underbearing, yet still desperate to be understood in that necessary way climax. This track was far more in tune with its sense of mystery and intrigue than its sense of hardness; the drums may be there, but the spirit is not. The intrigue is incredibly immersive and executed astoundingly well, but the harder sections feel token, like an empty gesture. That said, the trance *really* didn't suck, and despite my criticisms surely giving the impression that I hated this track, that isn't really the case. I genuinely greatly enjoyed it for the trance, but that speedcore element...hoofa.


Love it