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more for the remix project in the works broke my "no hyi remixes" rule by accident, wans't really intentional, just ended up sounding the most like hyi. don't expect it to happen again.



idec if it never happens again, this is amazing and makes me feel like crying (in a good way). people are totally right- your quality/quantity output is 1:1 i think hyi and queenstons fit pretty well together, as they both give off a sort of emotional and heartfelt vibe.


My favorite track by The Queenstons remixed by my favorite alias, happy days!


I will expect it! *crying* BTW, should we expect some Queenstons's remixes of hyi?

Jimmy Degriz

MOAR >.> this is amazing, and has such contrasting feels and emotions to each and every part, from the syncopated drums, to the upbeat yet minor sounding melodies and chord progressions. i love it :D


I find it really interesting how a project can /accidentally/ become something that falls into an alias I guess I never thought it was that organic. Very cool


wow.. this is so beautiful


Why did you make a "no hyi remixes" rule, if I may ask? Good work here, by the way. I like it.


just don't feel like using the name on other projects for the most part


Woah, so interesting. Can we hope for some Eugene? I can hear Our Special Place or You Know Me.


Well, while this is one of my top Queenston songs, this remix is absolutely beautiful! Geez. Actually, almost any song from Figurehead Remastered is great, no matter how you redo it. SOOOO looking forward to De:Throne