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hey folks, hope you're keeping well.

i am excited to announce that starting in may, i will be adding a mentoring tier to the patreon. i've been working over the past couple months to figure out how to best approach this and to try things out (as well as trialing it with some friends), and i think it's just about go time.

the tier will include two monthly one-on-one sessions over Discord: a two(ish) hour session on where we poke and prod at you and your work, and a shorter (half-hour-ish, maybe a bit longer) folllow-up a couple weeks later in which we go over any homework i'd given you during the previous session.

my goals with you might include:

- help you find the holistic throughline in your work
- play devil's advocate and get you chasing the increasingly challenging and atypical ideas
- explore the philosophy of arrangement in your work
- have fun with your "bad" ideas
- getting into the nitty-gritty of mixing, mastering, and so on
- ask you (potentially big) questions
- totally upend your workflow
- make decisions for you
- be extremely firm about you getting things done
- and so on...

once you sign up, i'll have you fill out a form with the necessary information, links to a couple of the pieces you're most proud of (if applicable), as well as pieces that you aren't (also if applicable), and so on. it is highly recommended that you at least know your way around your software a little bit. i am, unfortunately, not here to teach from zero, but i can be flexible in terms of what we actually do - if you want to strictly tackle the philosophy of your creations, we can do that. if you just want to go techincal, we can do that. none of what we do will be born from a template, we are focusing very directly on you and your wants.

my only real limitation is that i may not know your software super well - but will make an effort to know its basic functionality by the time we chat. as well, though i have some music theory knowledge, my approach may be hard to translate. we can paint in broad strokes in this field and i can recommend a number of resources.

i've been mulling pricing over pretty hard - i want it to be in the realm of affordability while acknowledging how much time it's going to take per client - but have settled on it being $200usd for the two sessions. you'll be free to come and go as you wish, you can do one month, you can do a few, whatever works best. if there are any issues with patreon payment timing lining up in weird ways (ie. paying mid-month but only wanting one month, so second session ends up in the next month), i'll handle it directly and make sure it's not an issue.

i will be opening for two spots to start in may, and i will be available most days from 2pm-9pm EST. we can work with whatever is best for you in that range.

naturally, you should have a microphone and be able to share your screen over discord. a quiet environment is best. i can't function when there's other talking, yelling, shouting, etc going on. no webcams, and contact will not be available between sessions aside from session rescheduling and similar issues. please remember that this is not for establishing a relationship or friendship.

thanks for your ongoing support and love, and don't worry - there's music coming very soon.


Xyrax Alaria

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Will this a first come first served kinda thing or will there be an application process?


still working out exactly how to handle it best, will keep updated