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Feb Pin-up/2017 / METAMORPHOSIS 

Written by DMFO 

based on Sarah Abduction Series by Nargel 

Edited by : zedDb

Sarah couldn't tell how long she had been probed, penetrated and analysed. And now, thick layers of transparent rubber like material encapsulated her entire body, immobilising her, preventing even the smallest of movements.

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Nicholas Spock Jr.

Enjoyed this a good deal, would like to see the backstory of Sarah's abduction and processing as well as any other female specimens the aliens acquired. There was a rather bad, (actually pretty abysmal), movie called Creature of Darkness released several years ago. Stripping away the awful movie, the bare bones of the plot could have been promising. An alien hunter periodically returns to Earth to acquire healthy young specimens of Homo Sapiens for alien zoos and labs. There'd be a special horror to be had, being pursued by advanced aliens for experiments the way we humans trap say, chimps or lab rats, in a story.


Hi Nicholas, There's a continuation for the fourth work to the Sarah Abduction series but still under development. There's a draft write up about how Sarah end up in her situation on the first pin-up, but it's remains unfinished at the moment. Thanks for the film recommendations, I like the overall idea as well in future pin-ups. thanks for your feedback. I greatly appreciate it. _ DMFO