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* Access to full Pin Up artwork (Test Pilot II) are included as one package with the latest Vibr8in2 comic (Pg.54) for $15 Patreon pledge only, emailed directly to you. 



Intravenus Project

The inside of that ship is really impressive. Although I figure it is even more useful for flight on surface than in space, being able to display a height map or something. Can really imagine it animated in action.


Yes. I agree. A new prototype plane made for reconnaissance and stealth infiltration.. I wanted to write a short back story to this pin.. but I’m out of time :p


Hello, you make really nice artwork. But is there a way for new patrons to see the old pages? I am new to this patreon thing. It is a bit confusing.


Hi Charlie. Thank you for your pledge. Absolutely, by end of this month, I will send you the latest vibr8in2 comic strip and links to all the previous pages. Thanks, Dmfo


how I can read the test pilot 2 full version?