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Yes Ana, I think they do. 

But it’s not just on us, but It goes to all adult content creators.

And I’ve taken per-emptive safety measures, self censors the posted content in Patreon, remotely hosting the main content elsewhere and spread it across various sites.


But what if that day comes? and this account might no longer exist because we’ve broke their rule in someway?

As a content creator, I’m an optimist, Ana.. We’ve created so much to stop it halfway. There’s so much stories to explore and create..  But I’m a realist as well, I’m not going to lie that it will cripple me 10 steps back, but I guess we’ll figure it out from there, as always… 

Consider it as my form of resistance. 






Yeah, the rules really suck for the adult content creators on patreon. They are vague enough that they could be applied to anyone really... I think it is just that patreon wanted to have some rules that they can use to take down any adult patreon if they wanted to. I hope that this never happen to you or anyone really. I'm glad that you decided to continue on regardless.