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Congrats to JS!

Well, it is almost logical that it would be the guy that proofs most of my stuff! But it was open to everybody.

Yep, my jalopy is a classic Beetle SP 1600 - don't laugh! Can't afford those half-million fancy spaceships. Unfortunately, I'll never be able to add more to Elon Musk's bank account.

Had her for many years and renovated her from nose to tail light; services are very cheap, a bit heavy on the juice. But she's mine.

Thanks to all the others that took the time and effort to send a guess via email, here and on Discord.

Think I should maybe do a monthly comp like this one?




Hmmm proofs or proves…..I’m such an ass….it happens when one is chained to a desk….


PROOF...okay, you happy now...No that's what happens if you let auto-correct into your life. See, that's why I have you!