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I'm always trying something new and I'm working on a MULTI-MEDIA illustrated story at the moment.

So, what is a multi-media story?

Well, it shall be like my previous stories available in PDF, but with an
added layer of media sounds, effects, voice and other media enhancements!

So, while reading a descriptive wetland scene, you shall also hear the acoustic sounds or hear the character speak.

Ambient music and sounds will play along with the written word.

Yes, ambitious, I know, but hey, I'm game!

My next story, SWAMP GIRL shall be my first effort to do a story in this mode:

Abandoned as a young girl and shunned by the community as one of those 'dirty' people from the swamp, Bernadette Beyer has to fend for herself from a very young age. Falling through the cracks of society, she lives by herself and makes do in the ramshackle cottage her father constructed years ago.
Forced to go to school for one day in her life, she never returns but grows up at the University of Life and Nature, where she feels at home between the abundant Fauna and Flora of the area and becomes just as special as the world where she grew up in.

Her natural beauty and strong physique (partly the only legacy she inherited from her parents) turn her from a little street urchin into a beautiful swan that is hard not to notice and attracts attention wherever she goes. She learns about love, hate, sexuality, and romance her own way and the hard way.

The local boys who used to shun her now find her fascinating and special, but old prejudices linger, and bias does not easily change.

One particular boy, however, sees her for who she really is, as well as her potential and many talents and introduces her to the world of female bodybuilding.

A new life starts for Bernadette...



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