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Starting this month a NEW TIER BENEFIT opens up to all PATREONs on the SECOND FLOOR tier and up. 

Fancy or like a particular image in any of the stories?

You can now request a higher resolution larger image from any of my latest story illustrations.  Simply drop me a request and I'll do it for you. This benefit was previously only available to the top tier supporters


  •  You can request ONE image per month.
  •  You must be a 2nd Floor Tier supporter or better.
  •  Images shall not be altered or changed. They will be supplied as is in the story pages. 
  •  You have to be regular supporter. (At least 3 months continuously)
  • Images will be especially signed by me.



Higher resolution pictures enlarged to real life height even 6 foot 6 inches Standee .The picture retains it's clear focus and colors . Outstanding muscle definition is seen clearly . Ever thought about having a poster or standee of MichelleLeRainbow characters ? This offer by Michelle will make that dream come true . A full size real life looking beautiful woman bodybuilder or Wow Factor bodybuilder man in your house . Art that almost comes to life .