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Hello everyone, how have you been? I hope you’re all doing well ^^

Here’s my new work to celebrate the Halloween event. I’m a little bit late but I guess it’s better late than never ^^ The work features H!Laxi in a Ballerina doll theme.

I’m actually thinking about printing this out and use as my poster/ bookmark ^^ I’ve always wanted one and this is a great chance for that. And who knows... maybe this is my starting point for the merch making adventure? Kinda looking forward to that tbh ^^

Anyway I hope that you enjoy the work! And maybe let me know what you think about it as well ^^


Anyway, I’ve been thinking about this for a while. And now, I’m finally able to make this decision and announce it:

From November 2021, I will stop doing contents for Patreon. It means that I won’t do any new contents as rewards on Patreon anymore. No more sfw/ nsfw content, no more poll, etc. I will unpublish the tier list and you guys won’t be charged anything at all from now on.

The reason is:

Firstly, I don’t think I can keep up with the work anymore. I’ve been doing 9-10 artworks per months for a long time and in the past few months, my health has got kinda worse (mentally and physically).

Secondly, I don’t really enjoy doing nsfw contents anymore. I know it’s fun to see your favorite characters doing naughty stuff, but I just simply prefer doing sfw contents. While I know there’re some members that are willing to support me regardless of my choice of content, I believe most of the members are here for the nsfw content according to the survey. So I guess... if it’s not nsfw contents, I don’t have anything else to offer. Even though I appreciate the support of the fewer members, I still need to maintain the stable income for my family. So I guess I will focus on doing commissions and preparing myself for freelance projects from now on.

Thirdly, I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I feel that I should start training myself more and more to archive my long-term goal, which is becoming a professional illustrator and character concept artist. To archive this, I need more time to training and learning required knowledge/ experience for this one. By cutting my work by half per months, I will have more time for that as well as learning fundamental stuffs. Also I will have more time to invest in each artworks to ensure its quality (and I won’t be stressed about this anymore).

Fourthly, I think this is finally a great chance for me to approach new stuffs like doing my personal projects, or making MERCH! Yes I’ve been wanting to do it for so long and maybe it’s finally the time xD I still have much things to learn about this but we will get there eventually.

These are my reasons and I hope you will understand for my situation...

What do you need to do?

The Patreon doesn’t allow me to stop charging you guys unless I delete my account entirely. I don’t really like that method since I have another plan for this page. You can help me by deleting your membership, or change to the $1 tier if you still want to wait for my further updates on how I will change my patreon in the future.

I will try to remember to prevent any new charging every month but I might end up forget it at some point and I hope you guys can help me by deleting your subscription soon.


My apology for this bad news... It’s probably not the thing you want to hear at the beginning of a month but I guess I should let you know as soon as possible. I’m still trying to plan what I want to do with Patreon in the future, but I guess I need more time for that. You can still contact me via the Discord server if you want ^^ I will keep the server running.

And for those who have just subscribed recently, my apology for this bad new as well... I wish I could have announced it earlier and not making stuffs more complex for you guys. Thank you so much for your interest anyway!

I’m really sorry that this has to happen... but I guess this is the only way. It’s really sad to give up on everything we have built together for so long... I’ve started working on Patreon since 2018 and back then, I was really small and had no supporter at all. But ever since I started joining the Dragalia fandom, you guys had been supporting me a lot and look at how big our Patreon has become. All the goal that I’ve archived, all the artworks and the grow I have made, it’s all thanks to you guys. I don’t know how to let you guys know how grateful I am to be with you guys ^^ But Thank you soooo much for being here with me this whole time!

AND NO WORRIES! Stopping doing patreon contents doesn’t mean I will stop drawing new Dragalia Lost arts. I will still do it and might adventure into other fandoms as well if I have the chance ^^ Heck, I can even start learning to make DL merch now. So this is not really a farewell I guess?

Also lastly, the name Hentaki will be the past. From now on, I will change my name to H.Coco and mark it as a fresh start of my journey.

And I think that’s it for my announcement. Not a really fun one but I still hope you guys understand for my situation and look forward to my future arts! I will still try my best as always, but in a healthier and more suitable way for me. Oh man, aside from dropping out of my university, this is my 2nd big decision in my life ^^” Let’s hope that we can all archive our goal in life no matter what and have a happy life!

With that said, I will say my temporary goodbye for now. Thank you so much again for supporting me! I’m really grateful and love you guys so much!


- H.Coco



Cage Nightwind

1 dollar club it is for now then. I honestly love your art and fully respect your decision. That said, I'm very excited to see you grow, but at a healthier pace. I already follow you on Twitter so maybe I'll turn on notifications as well. Never stop doing what you love. ❤ You have an amazing skill.


Thank you for understanding ^^ I hope it doesn't cause any trouble. I've not had any plan in my head yet tbh, but I look forward to what I can in the future. I will mostly active on Twitter from now on and I hope you will enjoy my future works as well! Thank you again for your support!


Chase your dreams dude, I'll look forward to what you churn out at your own pace while working on your techniques and other avenues. This piece is also very elegant, really reminds me of those old ballerina music boxes.


May as well ask, will the art in the poll from September get finished? I'm not worried about the NSFW, I just want to see Eirene she's dope. Also curious about obtaining the high quality versions of art, if there is no more payment how will we get the full quality? I often use your art for backgrounds and stuff since its really nice. I've had my eye on the Ezelith Volk one. Either way, its been rad I appreciate all the high quality art over the years.


Glad to see you move towards your goals! Still love your works and looking forward to seeing potential merch from you. I know I would love the bookmark you mentioned! Good luck in whatever you do moving forward, you are very talented and deserve the recognition. <3


The ballerina music box is what came to my mind when I first saw her design ^^ I hope that I've conveyed that idea properly. Also I will try my best with my arts, Thank you so much!


Unfortunately I won't be able to finish anything for Sep poll. Regarding Ezelith vs Volk, I might have a plan for it later ^^


Yes! I will look into it further to see how all the merch works. Hopefully everything will be just fine and that bookmark will have a chance to arrive at your place ^^ And Thank you! I don't know how things will turn out in the future but I will try my best!


Glad to see you made this decision. Hope you're able to move forward the way you want to.


Whatever you chose to do, you have my support, Hen.


Ah, that is a shame. Looking forward for volk and future works though, where will they be posted if not on patreon?


Good luck, I hope you can reach yours goals. I will keep folowing you on Patreon(While I Can), DevianArt, Pixiv and Reddit.


Clearly, you put a lot of time and effort into this decision and I, along your many fans, respect your wishes. Seeing you post your gorgeous works, such as the awe-inspiring Gala Jeanne and the adorable Euden with Sharena, filled me with joy each time you lovingly completed a new work. However, to see you reach even greater heights while stepping back and freeing yourself from the art overflow is even better for you, and I appreciate that determination. Whatever you choose, I will continue to support you and may all your endeavors be blessed. Thank you Coco.


Sad it's gotta be this way, was really really looking forward to the september rewards. But I know you know it's what you gotta do. Good luck in your professional endeavors!


Good luck on your new ventures! Are you gonna upload the remaining content packages to gumroad? Id still lile a way to get to see the nsfw's i missed out on