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Hello everyone, how have you been?

  I've finally come back and the January Reward Packages have been delivered as well! Please check your inbox for the link to the reward. There's also a survey as well so I really appreciate if you spend a little time doing that for me ^^

  January was a month with some improvements in terms of coloring and I'm really happy with the results. However, I was not really satisfied with my works at that time and decided to take February off for learning and training. Though I don't think the training month was perfectly completed, I still hope everything I have learnt will help improving my future works more. I applied everything I had learnt to the January Reward along with a new way to color.

  I hope the improvement will be visible through those work. It would be really really nice if you can provide me with some feedback about it ^^ Thank you in advance!

  Also, I have uploaded several new packages on Gumroad so if you missed any previous month's rewards, you can come and check it out ^^ 

  Here's the link: https://gumroad.com/hentaki

  With that said, I hope you will enjoy the reward and be ready for new works to come shortly!

  Please contact me via inbox or Discord if you have any problem or question ^^

  Thank you so much for your supports as well as your patience. I will try my best in the coming months making more good works as well!




Where Exactly do I have to Check to Get the Link? I Joined the 30th of last month and was told via Email I was going to apply for the rewards of that (this post's) month, but I haven't recieved amy link through any of the linked sources I have with patreon (Currently Only Gmail) Do i need to do something else?


Hello UFereSanyo, Thank you for contacting me! If you joined me a couple days ago, then you won't be able to receive the package. It's because the package was for the January members. It's like a delayed package of Jan (it was supposed to be delivered on 5th February) and only those who were a member during Jan can get it. Since you joined me on March so you will be able to get the March package (which will be delivered on 5th April). I'm really sorry for this misunderstanding... I hope that I've explained it clearly. But if you have any question, please feel free to let me know! Thank you!


Oh! That makes sense now! Thanks for clarifying, actually didn't notice it said Rewards for January, I'm big Dum Dum since I Indeed Read that you were taking a Break on February for College Related Stuff, Actually this is relieving to read, though I had an issue with my Email, thanks for the Clarification!


I’m glad that we have cleared the situation ^^ It’s easy to miss some of the information. But nevermind that. I hope you will have a nice day! Thank you for your support!