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Hello everyone, hope you're doing great!

I can't believe there's only 1-2 days until 2021. This year has been a very hard year to most of us (and me included) so I'm glad it will be over soon and we're about to welcome a new and better year to come ^^ 

It's been a very tough year for me since you know... online study with group project (are you kidding!?) combined with a lot of other problems really almost drove me crazy. But I'm really lucky to finally make it through. I've faced some major changes in my art style, in my working habit and finally understand how important it is to keep myself healthy.  And what makes me happy the most is having you guys supporting me during this year. It really kept me going and trying to improve day by day!

In 2021, my goal is to much further improve my artwork, trying some new areas (such as manga, animation and 3D) and maybe attend an art school if it's possible. Beside that, I want to keep myself healthy and positive, to learn how to manage my finance, communicate more and know how to be happy with what I have.

I'm having a plan in mind and it can only be completed with your help. I've made 2021 Survey which should help me understand more about you and what you're looking for from my page. Along with it is some questions related to future changing. It would really help me a lot if everyone takes part in the survey ^^ 

Here's the linkfor it: https://forms.gle/2BH7mGAE9hqPpfCB8

I will DM everyone this form as well in case you missed it.

With that said, I hope you guys will enjoy the rest of 2020 and be ready for a better year to come! May you carry all the good memory with you to next year and leave all the bad things behind ^^

I know I can't say it enough, but Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to our next year together!






The "My page" question of the survey refer to which page: DeviantArt, Pixiv, Twitter or other page?


Oh it’s the Patreon page. My apology it wasn’t clear enough ^^” But if you have some suggestions for the other pages, you can let me know via inbox or in this comment section. Thank you!