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Hello everyone, how have you been?

The Reward Packages of July 2020 have been delivered! Thank you for your patience! Please check your inbox for the download link ^^

A bit of my thought about this month: This month is kinda... a tough month for me. You can immediately notice the inconsistent quality of the works of this month. It's perhaps because of the tight schedule of this month since I had some final tests going on as well as some personal issues. Honestly I have never felt so clueless like this before. I know some of my works are not as good as expected and I feel really bad about it. I will try to make up for it next time. I don't really feel like myself recently... But well, on the bright side I've learnt a lot of new techniques as well as found a new way to draw stuffs like houses which will be really helpful in the upcoming works (tbh I'm a little bored of drawing trees and naturals stuffs right now, I want to draw houses and castles!).

About my plan for the upcoming months: So... I said I was really stressed during July right? It was mainly because of the graduation stuffs. Well...my school requires students to get a job at an actual company as intern in order to graduate and I'm really upset about that since it will take a lot of my time (my free time will only be Saturday and Sunday) which means I have to choose either pausing the Patreon for like 3 months straight, or keeping on the Patreon works but the quality and quantity might be heavily effected, or... just drop out and keep on my Patreon work. Apparently there's only one suitable option -  Pausing Patreon since considering the quality of my works last month when I'm stressed with all that stuffs, how important graduation is and how I don't want to make poor quality works for you guys. I think this is the right choice. On the brighter side, this is officially the final stage I have to get through before being able to dedicate all my time in my art career ^^ I'm so looking forward to that!

In conclusion, I will pause Patreon for at least 3 months straight which means there will be no monthly reward packages at all and you won't be charged anything as well. But that doesn't mean there's no new work at all anyway.

I hope you guys will understand for my situation here... I will try to leveling up my skill during the wait as well to make sure the quality will be even better when I get back.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the reward as well and let me know what you think!

Thank you very much for your support. I'll try my best keeping up the good work! See you soon~




Good luck with everything you have coming up. Its definitely better not to push yourself too much and try to fit Patreon in with your new internship.


your life comes first so you make it work however you need to


Take your time my dude, college comes first before all else. Good luck.