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Hello everyone ^^ Hope you're doing well.

Here's the last work of this month (thank god I finished it in time). It features Chrom protecting Zethia from fiends' attacks while they're researching in a ruin.

|NSFW version available~|

A bit of my thought about this work: This work is really complex and with only 4 days I could only manage to get this far. I have tried some new stuffs in this work ^^ I've never been good at muscle nor drawing men so this time I decided to get some books and learned a little bit about muscle. Too bad that all of the muscles are covered in clothes but I'm quite satisfied with the outcome, how about you guys? Also I tried drawing with a new camera angle this time, it's called "Dutch angle" by which you can feel that the picture is slightly tilted. This is the first time I used this one so I was really really nervous while working with it ^^" I hope it's alright somehow. It's been a while since I last drew fire so I hope it doesn't look so bad.

Anyway, I really hope that everyone enjoys the work and let me know what you think about it as well!

A little announcement:

Firstly, this is the last work of this month, which means I will start preparing the reward packages tomorrow. The packages are estimated to be delivered on 7th July. I don't know yet but it seems that this month we will have 3 separated NSFW works (Peony excluded).

Secondly, something was going on and it appears that there will be taxes on our patreon which is happening on July 1st. You can have a closer look at this link:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-effective-July-1st-2020 . And it seems that you will be charged a little bit more tax fee (rate depends on where you live). I know this is kinda bad but luckily I guess the amount being charged will only be a few cents since the price of our pledges is not that high. But still, I'm really sorry to announce you this. I hope this announcement will give you a clearer view on what's happening in the future.

And that's it. Thank you all for your support! I'm gonna take a rest and prepare for the Patreon Reward Packages ^^

My patrons will get:


_High-quality of all SFW  + NSFW contents

_PSD. file of the work (line + paint + BG + objects + ...)

All rewards will be sent at the beginning of next month!



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