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Hello everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend ^^

The March 2020 Rewards has been delivered. You can checkout your reward via Patreon Inbox.

March is a pretty crazy month to me in both bad and good way. I learnt a lot of new stuff in this month ^^ Like for example I've been experimenting with 3D stuff for a little bit and I think I can use it to assist me in future works. Also I learnt how to draw stuffs without having to line it first for time saving while still being able to keep up the quality. And finally I discovered a new way to paint ^^ If you're Tier 3 member, you might be able to notice that all the character base colors are now in 1 layer. It doesn't really save me any time but it helps me combining the color better and enjoy painting even more. And finally, I made the discord server working (with a lot of other member helps ^^). I'm really happy about it since it's a great way for me to keep connecting with you guys easier and therefore we can discuss stuffs or even watch me streaming. I tried streaming a little bit on the site and it works fine. Really looking forward to more streaming in the future! 

The bad thing is: It's been almost 2 months since I started staying at home and my mood is kinda bad lately... plus, online classes are going on and it's kinda bad, especially when you have to do group projects online... I really hope those didn't cause any trouble to the quality of works of this month ^^"

Anyway, I really hope you all enjoy the Reward ^^ If there's any problem or suggestion for improving my content quality, you're more than welcomed to let me know!

*Important: If you complete your payment for March after seeing this post, please let me know via Inbox and I'll send you the Reward Packages ^^ I know it's a bit inconvenient but Patreon doesn't support sending reward automatically...

And if anyone's interested in joining my Discord Server.  Simply connect Discord with Patreon via Patreon settings > Apps > Connect Discord or visit this instruction link:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role  

Finally, I have uploaded the February Reward Packages on Gumroad. If you're interested, please check out the link below:

Ferbruary Tier 2 Reward: https://gum.co/FBqf

February Tier 3 Reward: https://gum.co/thofC

Older Reward Packages:  https://gumroad.com/hentaki 

And that's pretty much it, I think the post is kinda long right now ^^"

I hope you all enjoy the works, having a great weekend and stay safe! I'll try my best making more and more good work this month!




As my first month being a Patreon supporter,thank you for the amount of effort you put into these!I feel you on the online classes,it gives me more free time but it also makes it easier to procrastinate...I hope April treats you better!Stay safe! <3


I'm really glad you like the works I made ^^ I'll try my best this month as well!


I paid for March but not a membership in April


Can I still receive it?