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And here's the plan for my last work of this month! (I made it a few days ago but wasn't able to upload it). It features V!Melody being clumsy as always.

|Separated NSFW version available|

Please have a look and let me know what you think!

Also I have created a Discord server where we'll be able to communicate much much easier and I can make new content for you guys like streaming?

And how to do it? Simply connect Discord with Patreon via Patreon settings > Apps > Connect Discord or visit this instruction link:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role 

I really hope see everyone in my discord server so we can chat, discuss stuff and watch me streaming sometimes ^^ And I'm still not quite used to managing Discord Server so every suggestion is welcomed!

And that's it. I hope you're enjoying your day, stay safe and healthy during the pandemic. Everything will be just fine so stay strong!



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