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Hello everyone ^^ How have you been? Is anyone gonna celebrate Lunar New Year? My county does and I'm really excited for it ^^

And thank you for your patience! The next work to celebrate Lunar New Year is now done~ I'm not quite sure this is the good time to upload it since there're still 4 more days til Lunar New Year... idk. And it's kinda weird there's no Lunar New Year event this time, at least to me ^^"

Anyway, this work features Lin You and little Mao Mao in Lunar New Year theme ^^ and NSFW version available as well!

A bit of my thought about this work: Ummm... there isn't much things to talk about this work since I continued to use all the techniques I used recently and tried to improve them all. Mao Mao was done without any line and it looks kinda clean to me ^^ I still need to improve more but it's quite a good sign. There's a thing that troubled me really bad... it's the Chinese art. I don't know how to draw them and I'm scared to touch something sensitive and end up making those who know chinese misunderstand. So all I did was making random doodles without meaning... Also drawing sphere in 3D environment is kinda.. weird to me and I need to find a way to get it right.

Beside all that, I really hope you enjoy the work ^^ Please let me know what you think about it!

My patrons will get:


_High-quality of all SFW  + NSFW contents

_PSD. file of the work (line + paint + BG + objects + ...)

All rewards will be sent at the beginning of next month!



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