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And here's the last work of this month (November)! It features Emma and Lea. NSFW version available too~

Thank you all for your patience! I was really busy and can only spend 2 days on this one.

A bit of my thought about this work: I tried something new with this work. I don't what it's called in English but the idea is blurring the background so the 2 character will stand out even more. I tried some new way with rendering stuff but it's not really significant. I only spent 2 days on this work so it's not really as details as my previous work... it's because  schedule suddenly got messed up again... 

Have a look and let me know what you think!

Well this is the last work of this month. And as I announced before, the reward will be delivered around 15th December and I will pause Patreon for December. In the next few days I will disappear for a while to prepare for my final examinations ^^"

My patrons will get:


_High-quality of all SFW  + NSFW contents

_PSD. file of the work (line + paint + BG + objects + ...)

All rewards will be sent at the beginning of next month!




Dang amazing work as always and good luck with your exams and take care of yourself this upcoming month!


Orange cat <3 Good luck with the exams!


Great work!


Good luck on exams!