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Hello everyone, Thank you for your patience!

The September 2019 Rewards have been delivered. Thank you very much for supporting me the whole month ^^ I got my schedule messed up with my school projects and sill personal problems so the delivery was delayed a bit. I hope it didn't cause any trouble for anyone ^^

If you have any suggestion for the up coming months, please let me know so I can improve my content quality more and more!

Anyway, I'm trying to link the discord with Patreon which will help me a lot in updating and chatting with you all, but since I'm not really used to it, there might be some scams in the upcoming days but I will try to finish it as soon as I can!

Well... this is it for September, I'mma going on with Octorber contents (gosh I'm 8 days late...). I hope everyone will continue to supporting me in the up coming month. Thank you very much!




Great work again this month, I'm glad you got your things sorted out! The lines between breasts could be a little bit thicker so it would be easier to see (atleast on the Sazanka art). I really need to zoom it to see the details (and zooming in on these is not a problem...), but I hope you get what I mean! I hope atleast one of the earlier poll options would get chosen this time, I've already spent multiple months voting for the same ones :D