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Well... Another work of mamm Verica~ Or I must say goddess Verica <3

The school projects slowed me down a bit but I'm glad I could make a good work in the end ^^ This one is combined with some techniques I used with Karina and some new stuffs I learned.

And... yes, r18 available. Just... let me figure out how I can make a R18 version out of this...

You wonder how I make both NSFW and SFW version for 1 work? Well... normally people tend to make the NSFW version first and then add some clothes as a censor method. But I prefer making the SFW first since I think it allows me to make a better SFW art rather than just censoring stuffs. It's my opinion anyway.

 My precious patron will get:


_High-quality of all SFW  + NSFW contents

_PSD. file of the work (line + paint + BG + objects + ...)




Very nice! I've been on vacation for the past couple weeks so I haven't been able to check in much, but it looks like you've gained more patrons so I'm glad you're doing well! I've been trying to spread the word as well by linking all my friends and discord servers too, so here's hoping this year goes well for you (  ̄▽ ̄)ノ Also personally, I really like your art in general so I think it's good to focus on the original SFW art rather than just drawing R18 and then covering it up afterwards. I think it makes for better art in the end since you're focusing more on the art itself rather than the R18 aspect


I think the same but it requires more effort than the other. So I'm considering... should I increase my pledge price? Like 3 -&gt; 5$ for Tier 2 and 5 -&gt; 8$ for Tier 3. Plus changing the charge method to beginning of each month so I can publish the NSFW version right after the SFW version uploaded. Keeping them til the end of the month is kinda not comfortable... I don't know yet, I need more advice about this ^^


Hmm, it is really up to your patrons as to how much they are willing to pay...I have seen some patrons who charge $1-3 but make $3000 a month because they have a thousand patrons, but I have also seen patrons who charge $15 and only make $75 a month because not many people are willing to pledge. I think generally it is a good idea to keep things cheap until you have a dedicated fanbase - maybe at least 100-200 patrons, since if you raise prices too early then people may become upset and leave because they do not think it's worth it anymore. There was a patreon I saw recently who raised their price from $5 to $15 and lost a couple hundred patrons because of it, so you have to be very careful with prices once you set them. I personally don't mind if you raise the prices by a couple dollars, but you will want to check with other patrons to see how they feel. Keep in mind that if you raise prices, for every 1 person that's unhappy and decides to unpledge, you will need 2-3 more patrons to make up for them. As for charging at the beginning of the month, generally I feel like most people do not care too much. I don't think I've seen people leave because a patreon changed when they charge. However, it can stop people from pledging to you initially, because a lot of people use the starting pledge as a preview in order to views your picture history to judge if they want to stay or not. I think if you plan to charge at the start of a month, then you will want to provide more preview pictures and make it easier for people to see your work and judge before they pledge. Personally, I do not mind too much if the rewards are delivered at the end of the month, since sending rewards via messages makes it much harder for your artwork to be leaked or published elsewhere. If you change to charge immediately and then post the pictures as patreon posts, there may be people who charge once, download all of your posts, and then chargeback on the card to get a refund and their money back. A lot of people who support in order to get R18 rewards only stay around if the art isn't leaked, since if it is available for free online, they won't want to pay for it.


Oh, one idea that I've seen some patreons do that may work for you - every month, they will message their patrons who have paid their pledges with a randomly generated password. Then, for that month, they will publish their art as password-protected zip files that cannot be opened unless you have the password. They will then change the password for the next month, so that it is different for every month and you can only open the files for the months that you are pledged for. This way, your art won't be easily downloaded, and even if someone does get a refund, they will only be able to open files from the last month rather than everything you have ever posted. You could try doing this for R18 pictures, and then post SFW pictures normally. This way, only patreons who have been pledged to you for at least a month will be able to open the R18 files, while patreons who have been pledged for less than a month will still be able to see your normal artwork and judge if they want to stay.


Thanks a lot for your advice ^^ I will keep my pledge price like this then. Maybe offer new reward for the new Tier should be a better idea. And... up until now I've always sent my reward link via message personally to those who had done the charging so I don't know how the file could be leaked. Maybe I'll just keep things like this for a while ^^


Yeah, I think it's probably best to keep things as they are for now, since you're still growing. No reason to change something that's working (  ̄▽ ̄)ノ


Love the dragalia stuff, your Karina and Verica art are great!