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Well... after the previous work, I figured that you guys don't really like my cute stuff (I even lost a patron after that work), It's my fault for being not aware of that...

Maybe I should just stick with the cool stuff and avoid those "cute, smol" stuff?

I hope I can get more feedback from you guy so I can make more good works that interest you all ^^




I actually like cute stuff a lot more than cool stuff! Unfortunately though I don't play FGO so I don't have much connection with the characters from the last drawing. Sorry to hear that you lost a patron though, that really really sucks :(. There are much worse artists with much larger followings, so perhaps it may just be not enough promotion? A lot of the really popular artists do mostly NSFW stuff too, since that tends to be what sells.


I really appreciate your concern, I will see what I should do to solve this problem ^^ Thank you very much!


Also this is just my personal thoughts on the matter, but I think a lot of really successful patreons happen because they are run like a business - there is a lot of marketing and promotion, plus they have a lot of bait to get people to support at higher amounts, such as patreon-exclusive artwork, NSFW versions of pictures, extra illustrations/animations locked behind certain reward tiers, etc. I'm not sure this is a good way to do it though, because it requires a ton of effort. Artists like that have to do a lot of marketing/promotion, constantly update social media accounts, and they have to treat it like a job where they must draw a certain number of pictures every month, and they have to draw what people tell them to rather than what they want to. I think a lot of artists consider it pretty much a full-time job as well - I see a lot of them get stressed out over having to keep up with rewards and make sure things get delivered, otherwise people get upset. Another issue I see is that artists have to pretty much always draw the same characters over and over again, because people only like characters that they recognize, so you have to draw something that a lot of people recognize. League of Legends characters are a good example - there are sooooooo many Ahri drawings, or Jinx drawings, because that's what people recognize. There aren't as many WA2000 or Springfield drawings, because not as many people play Girls Frontline. If people don't recognize or care about a character, they won't always really care about the art either.


In the end, I think what I'm trying to say is that it's important to know where you want to go with your Patreon. If you want to make this your living or to get a substantial amount of money, you might have to go in a different direction - i.e., start having character polls, do more NSFW, promote yourself more. However, that might mean not having as much fun with your art or enjoying it as much, which I think would be a really unfortunate result. If you just want a Patreon as a way for people to show support, I think that this will probably be around the best it gets. You may be able to get more supporters by promoting yourself a bit more, but most people just don't want to pay for something if they don't feel like they are getting special content. A lot of people pledge just because they want to be "special" in that only "paying users" are able to see a certain artwork, and it's not publicly posted or shared anywhere else. Personally, I tend to dislike this because I am used to art being freely shared, but that's just what I see from other people. I often see people saying "why would I pledge on patreon if they upload the pictures to Pixiv and I can get it without paying?", because people treat patreon as a store rather than as a support platform. Not many people really use Patreon as a way to show support anymore, everyone is just too used to using it to buy art rather than supporting their favorite artists. I still try to use it to show support, but unfortunately I am supporting a lot of artists (30+) and I don't make that much money, so I can't spare more than $2-3 per artist. Anyway, sorry for the tons of text, I'm just trying to share my thoughts on it. I think what I am trying to say is that I think your art is much better than most other artists that I see, so don't be discouraged! It's just that other people run their Patreons like a business, so they make a lot more money out of it than normal artists do. There's nothing wrong with your art or drawings, I think they are super cute and fantastic, so I think it's fine if you just keep doing what you're doing. Good luck! (  ̄▽ ̄)ノ


Thank you a lot for the advice! I've been thinking about this. It's true that I only focus on making art without paying any attention to promote it... I will try having some changes in the future ^^ Thank you again~