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Sorry to alarm! Not a chapter post. Feel free to read if you want!

I'm planning on releasing this to my website later but I wanted you guys to read this first.

I've come to realize that I'm somewhat reserved when it comes to telling you about me. I go by a pen name and as far as you guys may be concerned, I'm simply a turtle releasing chapters at a "turtle-like" pace.

I write this in regards to my frustrated and curious readers alike who have asked about my peculiar rate at release.

I can't speak for any other authors in regards to their writing process. Starting out as a web novel writer on Royal Road, I couldn't help but compare myself to all of the other hundreds of authors on that site spewing out chapter after chapter with content that their readers adored.

I can say that my writing process has changed drastically since when I first started writing. Back then, I was able to easily write a chapter a day, eager to share the world I had imagined without any real plan or forethought into the direction it would be heading into. 

It started off as simply a world that I wanted to build, not a real story. However, things started piecing itself together the more I kept writing (not without its flaws of course). 

It was when I actually started thinking about the end of my novel that it became harder for me to write. Where will it end? How will it end? 

With those thoughts in mind, I realized that TBATE could no longer be the unstructured source of my imagination to run rampant like it had been when I first started writing. 

My writing process or a single chapter consists of a few key aspects: 

1) The use of a thesaurus. 

2) Looking up different ways to say said. 

3) Researching about magic/superpowers. 

4) Looking up whether what I'm writing is grammatically correct. 

I would write a chapter while pulling some of my hair out. Have my beta readers take a critical look over what I've written. Rewrite my chapter while pulling some more hair out. Have my editor go through the chapter making sure that there aren't any logic flaws or blatant inconsistencies.

After all of that, I would finalize the edits that my editor had made (clicking accept suggestion on Google Doc) and finally uploading it so that you guys can read it. 

It may sound like nothing to some of you while for some, it may sound like a lot. Regardless, TBATE has come a long way from me simply writing a chapter, taking a second glance at it and uploading it up to Royalroad with shrug.

My way of showing appreciation to you supporters, readers, and patrons alike is through TBATE. I apologize for my inability to write chapters on chapters a week like some of the other fiction writers I've come to know, but know that I go through considerable lengths so that you guys can continue to enjoy what, both you and I have devoted time into. 

This was just a little extra that I decided to post so that you guys can get to better know me! If you're thinking "Hey Turtle, don't waste time on this and chop chop with the next chapter." then disregard this message, but if you have any questions that you'd like to ask me, I'll be happy to write another short post like this! 

Write down your questions or feedback below.





Thanks for this.


We would love to know more about you Turtle! Thanks for sharing