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I have an announcement for you guys and being that you are my patrons, you will be the first to know.  I have decided to part ways from Gravitytales.

This is not on bad terms or for any reason other than the fact that I did not want to keep piggybacking off of chinese web novels.  I know that my novel is similar and in way have been influenced by a lot of eastern novels, but I  do not think of TBATE as anything similar to that of what Gravitytales primarily does.  

I have decided to go back to posting on my own website .  it still needs some work but I think that I will be able to be more in control with this route.  

I hope you guys don't take this news the wrong way and keep supporting me.  What I am doing did not and will not change! 


Umut Numanoglu

Hi there, I hope you will reconsider it. I also think it's better to have your own website so you can try different things but sites like gravity tales are good as ads. If you only post in your own website how can other people find your story? Only the current readers like me can tell their friends but thats all. The only reason that I started reading your story was that I finished reading a story and needed a new one and your story was on gravity. If it's not much work for you I would prefer that you post on your website and gravity tales. Is there any other reason that you want to make your website? (like gravity tales gets your donated money or something like that?)