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Seeing the possibility of better days on the horizon after so long at war, I stepped into the portal.



Wrong answers only


Seris returning to Dicathen through the portal

Trevor Poole

The viewpoint is Agrona and Arthur just showed up to take him away to a cottage in a forest for them to live out their days together peacefully.


Arthur/Grey returning to Dicathen after defeating Cecilia, Nico, the Wraiths, Scythes, and Argona after achieving a typical Shounen power up.




Nah, she wouldn’t be commenting on any war like that considering she only just joined the war against Asura, and never participated in the continental war


Formally, she have joined the war in the chapter 392.


I’ve recently found out about this Patreon and I’m obsessed with this series! Purchased all the webcomic/books, and all the novels on audio books. I was reading somewhere that Patreon gets early access to stuff! Where can I read ahead?? I read somewhere about tapis or w/e but that a completely different thing that I gotta pay for I think


I’m pretty sure that if you can read these previews then you have access to the latest chapters. Can’t read ahead from here. Tapas is 10 weeks behind. Check out the membership section on this patreon to see what you have.


Was rereading some past chapters and the wait time for Arthur seems eerily similar to their starvation date. People who are smarter than me, is this a relevant connection? “We need to reconsider our supply lines from eastern Sehz-Clar and Etril,” one of the analysts said before launching into a report on the amount of food our territory was consuming versus the amount produced and smuggled in. It was a concerning problem. “At this rate, the larger cities will be rationing the sale of food to civilians in three weeks. The smaller towns may not feel the hit for another six weeks, but within two months, you’ll have people starving in the streets.”


I know this isn’t the relictombs but 2 months until starvation equals 2 months of Arthur making his 3rd layer right?


Nice observation, but I'm not sure how relevant this is ever since Seris and her freedom fighters moved into the 1st layer of the Relictombs. They would have taken any provisions they could have with them, and I doubt every civilian in all the cities in towns throughout Sehz-Clar went with them.

Nik D

I’m pumped!